I wrote Wild Bog Tea as a plea to preserve Blaney Bog.  This rare and hidden wetland, located in Maple Ridge, British Columbia, was slated for an industrial cranberry operation.  Members of the Pitt Polder Preservation Society and myself launched a grassroots campaign to preserve the bog.  After three years of raising awareness, letter-writing, fundraising and lobbying various levels of government, our efforts finally paid off.   Blaney Bog was set aside as regional park.

Members of the Pitt Polder Preservation Society and myself launched a grassroots campaign to preserve the bog. After three years of raising awareness, letter-writing, fundraising and lobbying various levels of government, our efforts finally paid off and the bog was set aside as regional park.

I took Harvey Chan, illustrator of Wild Bog Tea, into the bog one rainy November day.  We got soaked and for awhile we were lost.  Had to bushwhack our way out, a new experience for Harvey.

book image courtesy Groundwood Press