Nightmare at Meadow Lake

Nightmare at Meadow Lake

Nightmare at Meadow Lake The first bat flew above our heads as we lay in bed reading in our cabin at Meadow Lake. It was ten at night and I immediately yelped and hid under the sheets. My husband, Michael, bolted up and ran to the lakeside door of the cabin and then...
Backpacking in the Chilcotin

Backpacking in the Chilcotin

Sometimes life offers you a challenge — a six-day backpacking trip to the South Chilcotin. Sure, you know it will be a struggle as Michael, my backpacking husband, and 3 friends, Ken Williams and Sue & Keith Akenhead are younger and stronger than me. I’m five-foot...

Review of The Best Kind of People by Zoe Whittall

The Best Kind of People is one of my favourite books this year. I read it in three days, unable to put it down. Whittall kept her readers off balance so we didn’t know whether the popular teacher, George, accused of sexual harassment and rape by several of his...
Letter from a Grieving Mom

Letter from a Grieving Mom

On the day before I find out if Peace is an Offering will win the BC Book Prize in the Children’s Illustrated Literature category, I received a letter in the mail that meant as much to me as any literary award (though I’d be I thrilled if...

Wolf Cull, LNG, OM the Bridge Rant

The premier says betcha, learned that schtick from Sarah Palin, sitting in a helicopter shooting wolves, she ordered a wolf cull in BC, gave the go-ahead for poison and shooting, likes to emulate her American sister in the hood of the U.S. of A.   It’s about...
For Paris: a poem

For Paris: a poem

Erasure: This is a process in which a writer extracts words, in the exact order as they appear in a text, ‘erasing’ the rest, to create a poem. I chose Susan Sontag’s On Photography. I opened Sontag’s book at a random page, spotted the word ‘Paris’ and began. For...